'Discover your Divine Design' - 6 week self-paced course

  • $120.00
  • Save $179

'Discover your Divine Design' is a 6 self-paced course. It has been specifically designed for women of faith who are ready to discover 'how' God has uniquely created them and learn how to walk in the fullness of their identity.

This is more than just a program, this is personal. I have personally been on a journey with the Lord in discovering my divine design. I had found myself in pursuit of my purpose for many years, only to be frustrated. Everything changed when the Lord told me that the way He has uniquely designed me is linked to what He has purposed me for. This was such a breakthrough! So for the past number of years I have been on a journey with Him of discovering my divine design.

Since learning more of how God has uniquely created me, this has helped in my understanding and embracing who I was truly created to be. This has set me free and allowed me to walk unapologetically in the fullness of my identity. My heart and passion is for women just like you to experience this same breakthrough!

Over the 6 weeks, youwill: 

  • Reconnect back to God’s heart for you
  • Discover your divine design and understand ‘how’ God has uniquely created you
  • Identify your core values and learn how to make decisions based on your core values
  • Identify your spiritual giftings and how to grow and strengthen your spiritual gifts
  • Discover your passions and learn the importance of embracing them
  • Discover how your divine design, your core values, your spiritual giftsand passions are linked to your divine purpose
  • Learn how to walk unapologetically as the woman God has created you to be

What you can expect from the 6 weeks:

  • Gain clarity and understanding on how God has uniquely designed you
  • Understand the truth that you are fearfully and wonderfully made
  • Learn how to embrace who you are
  • Learn how to stop apologising and begin living in the fullness of who you have been created to be
  • Experience Holy Spirit encounters and breakthroughs
  • Hear what the Father is saying about you
  • Learn tools that will empower you for life
  • Be a part of an amazing community of faith-filled women

This program is for you if you are a woman of faith who:

  • is ready for clarity and breakthrough
  • is teachable and ready to learn and grow
  • is open to Holy Spirit encounters
  • is wholeheartedly committed to investing in herself and into the program for the full 6 weeks
  • is tired of apologising for who she is
  • has a desire to understand the way God has uniquely designed her
  • is ready to dive deeper into her identity
  • is ready to walk fully and unapologetically in her identity in Christ
  • loves to empower other women
  • wants to join a community of like-minded women

To enrol in the 'Discover your Divine Design' Self-Paced Course, please purchase the course and we will send you an email with more details on how to log in using our Teachable portal. The Teachable Portal will be where you can access your course.


“I feel like the course that we’re doing should honestly be the stepping stone for anyone who is hungry and in desperate need for him, this course is the key to unlocking the past, present and future” - Ash

“When I began DYDD Jesus had birthed a ministry within me, a kingdom business, but I wasn't 100% confident in God's vision for this and I came to realise my identity in Christ was shaken. God led me to DYDD, I wasn’t sure why at the time but I knew that I had to do this course with Marianne. After our first session with Marianne, the Holy Spirit moved within me at a deeper level and hidden within me was a lack of love I had for myself. I cried for what felt like a week at the realisation of how God had created me, and the deep love He has for me. DYDD with Marianne propelled me into my identity in Christ, my identity does not come from my culture, the people around me nor does it come from my family, I can confidently say that my Identity is found in Jesus.
I am absolutely amazed at how, in only 6 weeks, God has healed me and transformed me into the woman of God He has created me to be. I have clarity now for God’s vision for my Kingdom business and I feel so confident in my Identity in Jesus.
 Thank you, Marianne, for sharing God’s heart, your God's tools, for your wisdom, your heart for women and above all, thank you for your YES! I highly recommend DYDD to any Sisters who want to feel secure and grounded in their Identity in Christ and who want to go into a deeper intimacy with our Father God" - Cheree