Capturing the heartbeat of Heaven Blog
Our First ever Reset Retreat!
Posted by Marianne Petersen on

We will be hosting our FIRST EVER RESET RETREAT IN JULY 2023! Ahhhhh! This has been an answer to prayer! Thank you Jesus! For those of you who took part in our first Reset Challenge online in 2020, it was one of the most incredible life-changing times in the lives of so many women! Mid pandemic, God moved powerfully online in the midst of 300 women! So many gave their hearts afresh to God, they reconnected to Him and were able to reset for all God had for them! There was healing and deliverance! There was powerful ministry and a...
A special day to be ordained - Easter Saturday!
Posted by Marianne Petersen on

We have just celebrated Holy Week and honoured Jesus for the ultimate sacrifice of His death and resurrection so that we can have eternal life. This year will be a decade since I gave my heart and life to Christ and it is a significant year in so many ways! At the end of 2021, as I was preparing for 2022 the Lord spoke to me about MAKING ROOM for Him and one of the things He put on my heart was that He had some surprises for me. Little did I know 2022 would not only be the year...
Exciting Announcement - Her Harvest Global Academy
Posted by Marianne Petersen on

Today was a crazy day, our container arrived and we have started packing it with all the things we will be sending ahead of us to Brisbane. It has been quite the journey in this season of transition, not only externally but internally. There was a lot of reflecting today in the midst of packing and I have to admit, that it's like 'ACCELERATION' has broken out over us and things are beginning to move so quickly! Have you been feeling it too? We are literally a couple of weeks before the end of NOVEMBER! And before we know it,...
Posted by Marianne Petersen on

🌏 IMPACTING NATIONSGLOBAL ENTREPRENEURS 🌏 I am so blessed and excited to share that I will be a speaker at the upcoming Deborah Conference in Adelaide next year. I will be presenting a session on ‘Stewarding a Pioneering Mantle’ 🔥 The Deborah Conference mission is to raise up a Global Generation of Mighty Deborahs, awakening Christian Women Entrepreneurs to shift the course of History via Christ-Centered Business Education. BRAND NEW FORMAT A boutique team of 8 incredible speakers from across Australia & New Zealand Prayer and prophetic time 5 + U Pillar Activation Sessions Morning Tea, Lunch and Dinner (dinner...
Stepping out in obedience!
Posted by Marianne Petersen on

I remember for a full year in 2018 God challenged me to step out in obedience to everything He would ask me to do. Let's just say I was nervous not only about the commitment for a full year of radical obedience but also what He could potentially ask me to step out into at any given moment. You will not be surprised that it was one of the most impactful year of my life! I did the most amazing things, met amazing people, grew in my faith and into this lifestyle of obedience. God really taught me that obedience...